ANPR solutions are the most effective and efficient solution that provides numerous benefits to any car park. An ANPR system is one of the most favoured solutions used in car parks across the UK, and we have been front runners in its use. We quickly recognised that ANPR systems can be used to provide crucial car parking data that enables our clients to streamline processes and make data driven decisions.
ANPR cameras are usually placed at the entrances and exits of the car park to photograph every vehicle as it arrives and leaves. The cameras produce real-time data, including traffic flow, occupancy, and peak times. They are also integrated with payment terminals, which expands reporting to allow you to see how people choose to pay, the tariff they pick, and compare this with time stayed.
What makes us stand out from the competition is who we choose to partner with regarding enforcement in our car parks. We have built a strong and trusted working relationship with the leading enforcement provider Minster Baywatch, and we set the terms which are unique to the needs of each site and each client.
Minster Baywatch does not rely on a fully automated process; a highly trained analyst reviews every potential breach. They can quickly identify incorrectly entered registrations and other common mistakes before requesting to issue a Parking Charge Notice.
They also allow client input into how the ANPR system will work best for them, such as increased grace periods, to allow people parking time to familiarise themselves with the process involved. Some sites even require having certain days/times that the cameras are ‘switched off’. This might be for one-off events or regular days that do not need to be enforced.
If you’re looking for a tailored ANPR solution for your car park we can advise on the most appropriate ANPR system for your needs.